Navigation using object recognition

I integrated MSRS with RoboRealm and used the Navigation(AVM) module of RoboRealm . This module uses Associative Video Memory logic to recognize a image . The steps for integration of RoboRealm with MSRS R3 is available in the RoboRealm site.
The object recognition is perfect and it also provides object tracking so that i can make my robot follow the object . In this video i trained the Navigation module using a picture and the i made the robot follow the picture.
All these days i have been trying to do a sample with image recognition but all my attends were not very fruitful, now i feel we can do lots of wonderful object recognition with AVM module . RoboRealm looks very promising for object recognition . I would like to recommend this module for any one who wants to do navigation using object recognition


Jay said…
You've got some real cool stuff out here. I think you should start focussing on building a business case and start looking for vc's.
EDV said…
I see much erroneous recognition in areas where object is not presented. You should endeavor so that the object occupies as much as possible the square of interest area (red rectangle) during training because for AVM anything that was placed in interest area will become as object (background also) and other parts of image (that is not object) should not be placed in interest area during training too.

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