Intelligent navigation of robot inside a retail store

I have created a simple retail store in MSRS. This could have been created using any 3D tools like blender which gives a good visual treat. My simulation may not be of good quality but the idea is to demonstrate the use of RFID and other sensors to navigate accurately inside a retail store .

The development of instore navigation becomes easy with Microsoft Simulation Environment. I have made use of RFID, Color ,Sonar and Compass sensors to make the robot travel in the northern directiion on the line. Further more i can improve the navigation using webcam image processing too.

Currently the robot recognizes the line using three color sensor and it uses a compass to understand the direction to travel. It uses RFID to identify the aisle. The sonor sensor is used to identify a object and stop with out hitting the object.

I would like you guys to give me some idea as to how we can use this protoyping knowledge and add value to the retailers.


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